Prof. Ruth Linn

Department of Counseling and Human Development

University of Haifa

ruth linn

Publications -  Selected Articles 

Linn, R.(1984). Practicing moral judgment within the day care center: A look at the educator's moral decision under stress. Early Child Development and Care, 15, (3/4), 117-132.

Linn, R. (1985). The early childhood educator in the emperor's new clothes: A powerful moral decision maker in action. Early Child Development and Care, 18, (2/3), 175-187.

Linn, R. (1985). The moral judgment of the Lebanon war refusers. Studies in Education, 42, 19-32 (Hebrew).

Linn, R. (1986). Conscientious objection in Israel during the war in Lebanon. Armed Forces and Society, 12, 489-511.

Linn, R. (1987). Moral disobedience during the war in Lebanon: What can the cognitive developmental approach learn from the experience of Israeli soldiers. Social Cognition, 5, 383-402.

Linn, R. (1988). Moral judgment in extreme social contexts Soldiers who refuse to fight and physicians who strike?. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 18, 1149-1170.

Linn, R. (1988). Terrorism, morality and soldiers' motivation to fight: An example from the Israeli experience in Lebanon. Terrorism an International Journal, 11, 139-149.

Linn, R. (1989). Hypothetical and actual moral reasoning of Israeli selective conscientious objectors during the war in Lebanon (1982 1985). Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 10, (1), 19-36.

Linn, R., & Gilligan, C. (1990). One action, two moral orientations ‑ The tension between justice and care voices in Israeli selective conscientious objectors. New Ideas in Psychology, 8, (2), 189‑203.

Linn, R., & Gilligan, C. (1990). Pascal's law: A reply to Haste and Blasi. New Ideas in Psychology, 8, (2), 215‑219.

Linn, R. (1991). Sexual and moral development of Israeli female adolescents from city and kibbutz: Perspectives of Kohlberg and Gilligan. Adolescence, 26, 59-71.

Linn, R. (1991). Mature unwed mothers in Israel: Socio moral and psychological dilemmas. Lifestyles: Family and Economic Issues, 12, (2), 145-170.

Linn, R. (1991). Holocaust metaphors and symbols in the moral dilemmas of contemporary Israeli soldiers. Metaphor and Symbolic Activity, 6, (2), 61-86.

Pedersen K.A., Long, B.C., & Linn, R. (1994). Relationships and the meaning of power for disadvantaged women. Feminism & Psychology, 4, (2), 229-249.

Linn, R. (1994). Conscience at war and the assessment of credibility: Theoretical and practical questions. Politics & the Individuals, 4, 47-61.

Linn, R. (1995). The claim for moral maturity, consistency and integrity among objecting Israeli soldiers. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 25, 399-417.

Linn, R. (1995). To go or not to go? Objecting Israeli reservists in face of the obligation to suppress. Peace Psychology Review, 1, 130-140.

Linn, R. (1995). The moral dimension in non event transition: Israeli expatriates in Canada as separate and connected critics of self and others. Journal of Psychology & Judaism, 19, 227-240.

Linn, R., & Breslerman, S. (1996). Women in conflict: On the moral knowledge of daughters-in- law and mothers-in-law. Journal of Moral Education, 25, 291-307.

Linn, R. (1996). The emergence of Holocaust memories in the moral dilemmas of objecting Israeli soldiers during the Intifada. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal. 24, (2),133-141.

Linn, R. (1996). 'Thirty nothing': What do counselors know about mature single women who wish for a child and a family? International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 18, 69-84.

Linn, R. (1996). When the individual soldier says 'No' to war: a look at selective refusal during the Intifada, Journal of Peace Research. 33, 421-431.

Linn, R., & Barkan-Ascher, N. (1996). Permanent impermanence: Israeli expatriates in non- event transition. The Jewish Journal of Sociology. 38, (1), 5-16.

Linn, R., & Gur Ze’ev, I. (1996). Holocaust as metaphor: Arab and Israeli use of the same symbol. Metaphor and Symbolic Activity, 11, (3), 195-206.

Linn, R. (1996). Saying "No" to War: An action of moral separation or connection? Politics, Groups and the Individual, 6, 27-40.

Linn, R. (1997). Soldiers' narrative of selective moral resistance: A separate position of the connected self? The Narrative Study of Lives, 5, 94-112.

Linn, R. (1997). Patterns of crisis among Israeli reserve soldiers. Jewish Journal of Sociology, 39, 1-22.

Linn, R. (1998). Assuming a position: Women and men as moral critics in their own war zone. Journal of Adult Development, 5, (1), 45-57.

Linn, R. (1999). In the name of the Holocaust: Fears and hopes among Israeli soldiers and Palestinians. Journal of Genocide Research, 1, 439-453.

Linn, R. (1999). Where have all the critics gone? Moral psychology and the question of selective resistance to war: From Vietnam, to an Israeli Vietnam, to the Intifada. Journal of Psychology and Judaism, 23, (3), 125-144.

Linn, R. (2001). Naked victims, dressed-up memory: The escape from Auschwitz and the Israeli historiography. Israel Studies Bulletin, 16, (2), 21-25. 

Linn, R. (2002). Conscience at war: On the relationship between moral psychology and moral resistance. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 7, (4), 337-355.

Linn, R. (2002). Motherhood as a narrative of moral resistance - a missing text in women's development and therapy. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy: An International Journal, 13, (4), 1-21.

Linn, R. (2002). Soldiers with conscience never die, they are just ignored by society. Journal of Military Ethics, 1,(2), 57-76.

Linn, R. (2003). Genocide and the politics of remembering: The nameless: the celebrated and the would be Holocaust heroes. Journal of Genocide Research, 5, (4), 565-568.

Linn, R. (2004). The Escape from Auschwitz: Why didn't they teach us about it in school? Theory and Criticism, 24, 163-184 (Hebrew).

Linn, R. (2011). Rudolf Vrba and the Auschwitz reports: Conflicting historical interpretations. In R. L. Braham, & W. J. vanden Heuvel (Eds.), The Auschwitz Reports and the Holocaust in Hungary. New York: Columbia University Press, 153-210.

Linn, R. (2015). Managing Our Past –Managing Our Future – Is There A "Right" Way Of Remembrance? Journal of Mass Communication, 5,(3), 143-150.

Ward, F., Linn, R. (2020). The Mother-in-Law Mystique: A Tale of Conflict, Criticism, and Resistance. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy doi: 10.1002/anzf.1430

Linn, R. (2022). Naked victims, worn memory: thoughts on early and late  testimonies and research regarding sexual exploitation during the Holocaust. Moreshet, Journal for the Study of the Holocaust and antisemitism (20), 225-245.

Linn, R. (2023a).  Who’s afraid of the man who escaped Auschwitz? Studies in Education: Journal for Study and Research in Education.  (22) 177-196.

Linn, R. 2023b). Naked victims, worn memory: thoughts on early and late  testimonies and research regarding sexual exploitation during the Holocaust. Moreshet, Journal for the Study of the Holocaust and antisemitism [20] 101,294.